My Avatar


I took this photo last summer in my hometown, Nantong, China. The sky was blue and cloudy, which is rarely seen in China because of air pollution. I love sky because it always provides me a space which does not limit my thoughts. In addition, the sky is everywhere. No matter where I am, it is like a friend who accompanies me from China to the US. Whenever I see the picture, it brings back some of the good memories of my past life and my parents.

I wanted to post different sky pictures from different places in one image but found it was hard to do that.  I have travelled many places, including Thailand, Xiamen, Hongkong, Shanghai, and California. Sometimes, even though I am in an airport, I would love to take photos of the sky. It is my biggest interest, which not only take a little bit of  time but also makes me feel the beauty of nature.



This image was taken in Seville, Spain.It reflects my current interest : traveling. During the winter vacation, I made a trip to Spain for traveling. Three weeks were not long enough to cover all the beauties of Spain. I have now realized the true beauty of it: expanding the level of perspectives through experiencing something totally different from my casual normal days. And, I am planning another trip to Europe for the coming Summer. 

What is that even a picture of???

Why my favicon is a picture of what it is.

When opened on a tab on Google Chrome, it’s hard to see what my favicon is a picture of. Upon further speculation, however, it might just confuse the viewer even more. What do a rainbow, a giraffe with a monocle and mustache, and a stupid pun on the word “imagination” with my name, Emma, even mean? Truthfully, there is no deeper meaning behind it other than my liking towards giraffes and classy accessories, and that I wanted to creatively include my name, hence “Emmagination,” a phrase I put on the back of one of my hoodies. I thought back to my cable-less days when I had no clue what Spongebob Squarepants was, and seeing everyone separating their hands in an arc (which made a rainbow) while saying imagination, which gave rise the the rainbow in the background. The glittery effects were to just add some pizzazz and texture. I figured it’d be pretty hard to find what I was looking for online, so I drew the image myself.

My Avatar

I had never been charged with choosing an accurate virtual representation of myself so it was weird for me to try and find myself in a picture somewhere on the internet. I looked around for a while but decided that I should just stick to an actual photo. So I browsed through old memories of days gone by until I found the one photo that, I felt, could describe me best. To me my avatar represents who I am as a person, because in that instant I felt like I was the best version of myself.

This specific photograph was taken on a hot summer day at a showcase tournament in Lancaster county, only 10 weeks before I sent in my first round of college applications. The team had done great all day long, and I was having a wonderful time behind the plate. It was the last game of the day, we were in the lead, there was a runner on first and I had just been given express permission by my coach to throw her out. I always hated having my picture taken while I was playing or practicing. I’m an athlete, I’m there to play, not have my picture taken. But just this once, the photograph was taken and it captured what I think means to be me. For better or for worse this is who I am: I’m a happy person, a kid at heart, I’m always up for a challenge. And I love to play in the dirt.




I always dream of flying like a bird when I was young but the dream doesn’t wake up yet. In my eyes, sky means freedom. I even want to soar in the sky and never come back. Being a human being, we are bound to the mundane world and surrender to the secular matters, such as wealthy and fame. Even though seldom people can get rid off the temptation of worldly matters, people cannot lose themselves. Gyrfalcon flies highest among the birds and views the scene in a much clear and comprehensive way. I am also being tied to the human being society but I don’ t want the flashy moment blind my eyes, instead, listening to my own heart and see the world in a fair way.



My Avatar

I created my avatar from two pieces. The body comes from the spurdo sparde Siwa employee meme. I thought the attire and employee matched my own attire and employment, as I worked in a dry cleaners in shopping center and had friends that worked at the neighboring grocery store. I also think the meme is pretty funny as well. The face comes from an avatar creator called bitmoji. I used the GIMP photo editor to create the avatar.


meme body :

face avatar: bitmoji app


My Avatar


Buzz Aldrin on the moon during the Apollo 11 Mission (


Hello everyone,

The above image comes from NASA’s Apollo archives which they recently posted to the Public Domain on flickr. I have always been fascinated with and romanticized space travel, and the closest I’ve ever gotten to space (besides owning these astronaut socks) is in video games. Games like Mass Effect, FTL: Faster Than Light and the upcoming No Man’s Sky have scratched that itch like no other medium has (even if I still think the real thing might just maybe be a little cooler). One of the most intriguing things about space exploration, at least for those with an adventuring spirit, is (boldly) going where no man has gone before and while I (and my fellow classmates) will not be the first to explore the medium of video games critically we will be among them.

So for this inaugural voyage of Writing about Videogames at Emory, my avatar will be the maverick adventurer Buzz Aldrin.

Signing off,



The Avatar

Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 2.52.10 PM Tyrael, the archangel of justice, part of the high heavens that watches over the demonic lands of Sanctuary, wields the holy sword El’Druin in defense of mankind. When he sees the demise of the fearless archangel of valor, Imperious, Tyrael cast off his angelic powers and became a man. To date, his judgement remains sound and the powers of El’Druin’s light has not yet left his hand.

My Avatar

image2 The photo above is a photo I created to be my avatar for this years English Writing 181 class. I compiled four photos using the layout application on the iPhone and then added text with the app Phonto. All of the photos were found on I found the photos from each of the following users: Ultimate Frisbee Picture by Martin Cathrae Fishing Picture by Phillip Pessar Writing Picture by Caleb Roenigk Gaming Pictuer by Katie Mollon The pictures I chose each had specific purpose to use in my avatar. The two photos on the left (ultimate frisbee and fishing) feature two of my biggest hobbies and passions in life. I have been playing ultimate frisbee competitively since seventh grade and now play on the club team at Emory. I have been fishing ever since I was a little kid and frequently go fishing to this date. The other two photos (the hand writing and Xbox controller) were chosen because they exemplify my understanding of what my English 181 class is going to be. I expect to feature a combination of gaming and understanding the various aspects of gaming, while also practicing my writing skills  



Undoubtedly my best work yet.

This is an entirely original creation made in the unparalleled MS Paint. It is my conviction that a game does not need to have good graphics, complex in design, or even be finished to be great. Such is the glory of my avatar.

This is version 0.0.2 of my avatar. Expect it to be buggy, have unimplemented features, and CTD frequently.

version 0.0.1 below

I firmly believe this. I will fight you
I firmly believe this.
I will fight you


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