Atari Games
We were assigned to play old Atari game the space invader this week. Unfortunately, I stuck by technical issues that I cannot move and shoot in the game. I played the space invader online. The rules of the game are simple: move right and left to evade the attack and shoot invaders to protect our home, which lets me played for several turns in half an hour. Even though the low pixel of the image and poor graphics, I did not get bored. The game not only reminds me of my childhood time but also intrigues my eagerness to get the high score.
The game evokes the memory of my computer science class in primary school. After teacher addressed the material, he will let us play games for the last 10 minutes of class. I did not play Atari games, but the mechanics and images of the game are similar with the Atari’s. Playing games and comparing scores with friends is one of the unforgettable moments in my childhood.
As we discuss in the class about the difference between games and novels, I think the real games are those created in the late 80s’ and 90s’ such as the Atari games. In earlier of this semester, we were asked to play gone home, the Dear Ether and her story. I played each of these games more than one hour for just one turn, figuring out the purpose of the game and completing the task in the game, which is time-consuming and brain-burning. The advanced games I just mentioned provide me perfect graphics, complex mechanics, and explicit narration. Playing the games allow me to put myself in character’s shoe and start a new journey. I classify the characteristic of the game to novels because authors aim to make the reader feel empathy with the character in the book. I always need some rest after reading novels, which happens when I play those games. Oppositely, Atari’s games can make me relax because of the simplicity of the rules. In space invader, moving left, right and shooting are the only things I need worried about. I don’t need to glean information from narrative and consider the next step decisions in Atari’s games.