4. FIFA and Music
Nick and Jay explore FIFA by EA Sports. FIFA is an interactive soccer game simulation. Because FIFA is one of the famous games around the globe, its soundtracks attract people’s attention from a wide array of backgrounds. Though FIFA’s soundtracks make users elated and pumped to play the game, they mean more than that. Ian Bogost believes music in video games no longer carry themes and messages with them, however, FIFA is the perfect counter example. Let’s find out why.
Background Music: Wavin Flag by K’nann (recorded from the game)
Works Cited
Quill, Greg. “The Story behind K’naan’s ‘Wavin’ Flag.’” Thestar.com. N.p., 27 Sept, 2012. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
Goble, Corban. “FIFA 14’s Steve Schnure on Compiling ‘the Only Annual Soundtrack for the World’” Pitchfork. N.p., 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.