Gone Home Reflection

Editor’s note: If someone ever asks you to chaperone a high school band trip, don’t do it in the winter when everything gets canceled because it might snow or you’ll end up working very hard to occupy a group of kids trapped in a hotel room. Just fyi.

As you play through Gone Home for class on Tuesday, please try to pay attention to your own thinking and emotional reaction as you play and take notes as you go. If we were a little later in the semester and you were more comfortable with publishing to your sites, I might have asked you to liveblog your game play — feel free to try that if you’re willing.1 Probably most of you will choose instead to play through the game, taking notes of the things you notice, and then when you’re finished write a blog post with about 3 paragraphs worth of reflection on the experiences.

Pay careful attention to the start of the game. How does the game begin? How do you feel at the start? How does the game establish setting and time, both at the start of the game and then throughout? How does the game establish character? Especially think about how the game establishes character given that there is only one person present in the narrative and it’s the first person narrator–without dialog and other traditional methods of defining character, how do the game designers go about doing so? Finally, your first larger writing project will build from our discussion of Gone Home towards thinking about how games make use of objects and descriptions of those objects in order to shape narrative, so pay particular attention to all the various things that you pick up and examine and how the writing frames the meaning of those objects.

You do not need to address all of these questions. You do not even need to answer any of these questions, to be honest–if there is a different pattern that really captures your attention and you feel a burning desire to explore it in your blog post, then do that instead of answering the questions in the paragraph above.

  1. There are a number of different ways that you might liveblog game play. If you want to try it but aren’t sure how to pull it off, my suggestion is to open up your site in a tab and then launch the game. Just look around at the start point of the game for a minute or two, then write a blog post in which you announce your intention to liveblog your experience playing the game and then write a couple of sentences about the start point and publish the post. Then whenever you notice something interesting or worth commenting on as you play, leave a comment on the post with your observation. Boom, liveblogging. 

Testing Side Quests Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue nisi nisi, in posuere velit auctor blandit. Donec id iaculis ante. Nam eu sagittis arcu. Nunc a massa arcu. Sed sollicitudin pellentesque finibus. Donec venenatis metus nec purus aliquet, sit amet mattis lectus laoreet. Curabitur quis fringilla nunc, hendrerit viverra tortor. Phasellus rhoncus lacus vel mauris auctor aliquam. Donec sagittis mauris id risus elementum fermentum.

Fusce mattis imperdiet tellus. Aenean non felis enim. Nulla gravida augue felis, vitae ullamcorper magna luctus a. Nam vestibulum vestibulum orci, eu congue velit aliquet nec. Nunc odio massa, ornare porta nunc eu, placerat elementum lorem. Proin gravida ipsum neque, quis blandit urna iaculis non. Aenean tempor, justo eget tempus aliquam, erat ex fermentum dui, posuere tincidunt nibh erat quis velit. Vestibulum dignissim tellus sed metus cursus, id lobortis ex cursus. Suspendisse urna ante, sodales posuere velit viverra, ullamcorper mollis dolor. Phasellus sodales in libero in ornare. Nullam consequat turpis ut dolor sollicitudin porttitor. Vestibulum gravida in arcu a mollis. Aenean fringilla, erat non pellentesque aliquet, urna lacus sodales nibh, condimentum blandit eros lorem vitae nunc. Quisque sapien sem, pharetra quis ex ac, hendrerit porta tortor. Pellentesque finibus ac tortor at rhoncus. Nunc in purus ac neque tristique porta.

Duis tincidunt aliquam nulla, in tristique sem lobortis sed. Vestibulum quis libero at orci gravida eleifend. Sed ornare mi urna. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vestibulum tempor ullamcorper. Sed id lacus id mi cursus finibus. Aenean ultrices urna sem, eget aliquet nunc viverra nec. Aliquam et neque at risus porttitor auctor. Sed sed dui dapibus, tristique ipsum quis, sodales justo. Ut at sagittis nisi. Vestibulum vulputate pretium diam, vel pulvinar purus sagittis eu. Quisque at tortor eu augue lacinia rhoncus. Aliquam consequat tortor velit, at placerat ipsum venenatis vitae. Fusce in tempus lorem, quis tincidunt urna.

Phasellus vel tristique eros. Curabitur nec malesuada massa, nec sagittis massa. Duis eleifend dapibus bibendum. Fusce sodales lectus erat. In facilisis sem id elit elementum viverra. Donec viverra libero sed tristique tempus. Duis bibendum, tellus vitae iaculis dignissim, erat nisi aliquet nisl, vel porta sem turpis et dui. Proin non tincidunt turpis. In sagittis ex urna, non lobortis dolor sagittis ut. Sed at feugiat metus, a laoreet quam. Suspendisse ultrices quam lorem, at sagittis justo pretium vel. Phasellus a faucibus velit, quis rutrum ipsum. Donec rutrum vel enim pulvinar molestie. Proin scelerisque dapibus nulla, non dignissim ex vulputate a.

Ut accumsan maximus lorem quis faucibus. In at magna maximus, lacinia metus et, tincidunt sem. Quisque lacus arcu, vulputate eu ipsum vel, viverra ullamcorper tellus. Donec auctor odio elit, ac congue nulla euismod nec. Cras ac est vestibulum, auctor orci et, maximus dolor. Nunc sed neque ut ipsum auctor ultricies. Donec et maximus tortor, id gravida mi. Phasellus at magna odio. Fusce tincidunt sollicitudin turpis, ut facilisis orci convallis quis. Donec pretium odio ac dolor vestibulum rhoncus. Vivamus in tristique dolor. Morbi efficitur commodo pulvinar. Nulla elit turpis, imperdiet ac velit sit amet, feugiat porta eros. Duis posuere aliquet turpis id volutpat.


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